Windjammer Gam
June 9, 2025Gam– a visit or friendly conversation at sea or ashore among ships
Kick off your summer at our windjammer gam! This is the largest raft-up of traditional tall ships on the East Coast as all the windjammers come together for a festive evening of sea-time camaraderie. This is an unique and amazing sight to see with so many vessels sailing in and joining the raft up. Seamanship at its finest! Step from boat to boat admiring each ship, meeting new folks and listening to live music along the way.

Great Schooner Race
July 4, 2025Top off your windjammer cruise with an exciting day of racing. Maine’s windjammers and other visiting tall ships converge for the Great Schooner Race, North America’s largest annual gathering of tall ships! Guests can help trim sails, strategize, or sit back and enjoy the friendly competition. Pre-race festivities include the infamous Small Boat Regatta where crew and guests (often in costume) compete by rowboat, sailing dinghy, paddle board, or inner tube. The post-race celebration ashore includes the awards ceremony, live music, and refreshments.

Camden Windjammer Festival
August 29–30, 2025The Maine Windjammer fleet gathers in picturesque Camden where the harbor will be reminiscent of the days when hundreds of coastal schooners lined the waterfront. Festivities include a parade of sail, flag-raising ceremonies, the “schooner crew” talent show, live music, dancing, and fireworks. Festivities continue ashore on Saturday.

WoodenBoat Rendez-Vous
September 9, 2025The Maine Windjammer Association vessels sail into Brooklin, Maine, headquarters of Wooden Boat Magazine and Wooden Boat School. This event, sometimes called the Wooden Boat Sail-In, is a great opportunity to see all the windjammers up close under full sail. Guests can go ashore to visit the Wooden Boat campus and enjoy live music and refreshments.
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You can request a mailed or digital packet of brochures, or you can find individual ships’ brochures under each listing on the fleet page.
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