- Schooner American Eagle
- Schooner Grace Bailey
- Schooner Heritage
- Schooner J. & E. Riggin
- Schooner Ladona
- Schooner Lewis R. French
- Schooner Mary Day
- Schooner Stephen Taber
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- Traveling to Camden and Rockland
- Winter Windjammer Dinner
- 2013 Season By the Numbers
- A letter from the Maine Windjammer Association Captains
- 2018 Gatherings of the Maine Windjammer Fleet
- A look back at 2019 and a look forward to 2020
- 2019 & 2020 Events & Gatherings of the Fleet
- 2022 Great Schooner Race
- A lighthouse sailing adventure aboard Windjammer Angelique
- 2022 Maine Windjammer Association Lifetime Appreciation Award
- A Windjammer Cruise in Maine Makes a Great Gift for Dads and Grads
- After more than 50 years of windjammer sailing, Doug and Linda Lee retire
- Angelique, Mary Day & Lewis R. French Windjammers Host Open House for Tourism Community
- Annual WoodenBoat Sail-In Attracts Windjammer Fleet
- Availability on Maine Windjammer Association fleet cruises – August - October 2019
- Behind the Scenes with the Maine Windjammer Association Captains
- Captains Doug & Linda Lee Receive 2020 Lifetime Appreciation Award
- Celebrate Maine's 200th Birthday with Living History On Board a Maine Windjammer
- Brown butter blondies with toasted pecans
- Butterhorn Crescent Rolls
- Best Windjammer Watching on the Planet in Rockland, Maine
- Blueberry Sour Cream Cake
- Camden Windjammer Festival 2022
- Captain Dennis's Chili for a crowd
- Captain's Apple Galette
- Celebrate Maine’s 200th Birthday with Living History On Board a Maine Windjammer
- Chai Poached Pears with cinnamon cream
- Cheesy baked chicken with summer veggies
- Chef Ellie's Apricot chicken
- Captain Jim Sharp to Receive Windjammers’ Lifetime Appreciation Award
- Chef Jocelyn's one-pot Chili
- Chefs on Air
- Citrus Cilantro Salmon with Pineapple Mango Salsa
- Cucumber and Cantaloupe Salad with Savory Quinoa Granola
- Do Windjammers still exist? Ayuh, you bet they do!
- Exciting Additions to the June Calendar of Cruises for the Maine Windjammer Association Fleet
- Date, Orange, and Nut Bread
- Essentials of Reserving a Maine Windjammer Trip
- Exciting Additions to the June Calendar of Cruises for the Maine Windjammer Association Fleet
- Experience Maine from the Sea Aboard a Maine Windjammer
- Exploring Camden and Rockland, Maine
- Five things you can you do for your favorite Maine windjammer today
- Get a jump on summer with a June cruise: There's still availability
- Get Your Sail On!
- Grandparent-teen or tween windjammer cruises in Maine
- How much does the Maine Windjammer Association add to the local economy? You’d be surprised.
- Culinary adventures aboard Maine Windjammers
- Grab a spot on one of these unique June cruises before it's too late!