Maine Windjammer Association offers themed cruises throughout 2019
A cruise on board any of the 8 Maine Windjammer Association (MWA) vessels is always a treat, whether themed, paired with one of the MWA summer events or scenic and seasonal. Each of the members of the Maine Windjammer Association offers a different schedule of three to ten day cruises, always featuring fabulous coastal scenery, wonderful food, time to explore islands and small coastal villages and of course, a lobster bake too! Some of those cruises feature a theme too. From photography to music, there’s something for everyone. Foodies, wine-lovers, kids and grandparents will find a themed cruise to fit their interests.
Here’s a schedule of the themed cruises for 2019:
Music & Humor Cruises
From bluegrass to folk, with a number of sea shanties and oldies in-between, the music onboard goes beyond the rhythm of the sea on Maine Windjammer Association boats. Come aboard for music jams and festivals. Be sure to bring your small instruments along so you can join in.
- June 8 – 12: Annual Gam & Music Cruise with Tom, Chickey & Jed on Schooners Ladona and Stephen Taber
- June 18-22: Music Cruise with the Nashville Ladies on Ladona and Stephen Taber
- June 21-26: Music & Jamming with Linda McRae on Victory Chimes
- June 27-30: Music cruise with Heather Styka on Victory Chimes
- July 22-25: Cruise and laugh along with humorist Gary Crooker on Victory Chimes
- Aug 4-10: Swans Island Music Festival Week cruise on Schooner Lewis R. French
- Aug 5-10: Swans Island Music Festival cruise on American Eagle
- Aug 6-9: A music adventure on Victory Chimes
- Aug 6-11: Swans Island Music Festival cruise on windjammer Angelique
- Aug 10-13: Music cruise with Dyado on Victory Chimes
- Sept 15-19: Music cruise with Piper Hayes on Victory Chimes
- Sept 15-19: Enjoy the music of Maine & Celtic lands of Scotland & Ireland when Castlebay performs aboard Schooner American Eagle.
- Sept 20-24: Yoga, wellness & Irish Music Cruise on Victory Chimes
- Sept 25-28: Music cruise with Nat Hussey on Victory Chimes
Photography Cruises
Learn everything from how to use a simple digital camera to capturing stunning images and advance lighting techniques with the ideal photo opportunities aboard a Maine windjammer on these cruises scheduled in 2019.
- June 16-22: On Angelique: Digital photo workshop with photographer, Neal Parent.
- June 8-12: On Heritage: Renowned windjammer photographer, Fred LeBlanc will be aboard to offer photo expertise.
- June 23-29: On Mary Day: A 6-day sailing adventure with award-winning photographer Jim Dugan teaching digital photography skills, and renowned Audubon naturalists Mike and Margi Shannon.
- July 7 – 13: On Victory Chimes: Celebrate Parade Week, perfect for photo ops with advice from travel and nature photographer, Jesse Stuart.
- August 20-25: On Victory Chimes: Scenery & filmmaking cruise
- September 1-7: On Stephen Taber: Photographer John Shipman is on board to offer expertise.
- Sept 8 – 14: On American Eagle: Photographer Greg Gettens will demonstrate adventure photography aboard and ashore.
Lighthouse Cruises
More than 40 iconic Maine lighthouse dot the coastline, islands, and peninsulas of Penobscot Bay. These Lighthouse Cruises take you to the harbors and past coastlines where lighthouses offer beautiful photo opportunities and stories of yesteryear when sailors depended upon these beautiful structures and their lightkeepers to help navigate the way home.
June 16-20: Lighthouse & summer solstice cruise on Lewis R. French
- June 18-22: Lighthouse and summer solstice cruise on Mary Day
- July 7-10: Lighthouse cruise on Angelique
- Aug 17-21: Lighthouse cruise on Angelique
- Aug 20-24: Lighthouse cruise on Heritage
- Sept 1-7: Photo and lighthouse cruise on Stephen Taber
- Sept 3-7: Lighthouse cruise on Mary Day
Body, Mind and Soul
Whether you hope to limber up your body, stretch your mind or reconnect with the soul of the sea, one of these cruises are perfect for you. Think yoga on deck to start the day and much more.
- Aug 1-5: Yoga and wellness cruise on Angelique for all levels – yoga, meditation & breathwork.
- Sept 20-24: Yoga, Wellness & Irish music cruise on Victory Chimes
Gourmet, Wine/Foodie Cruises
Combine the sights, sounds and serenity of the sea with the bold tastes and tannins of these wonderful cruises for foodies and wine lovers. Learn about new vintages and victuals, not to mention a few cocktails too. While all cruises feature fabulous comfort food and lobster bakes, these cruises specialty cruises focus on more foodie themes.
May 23-27: Memorial Day Wine, Dine & Chocolate cruise on Stephen Taber
- June 13-17: Gourmet Cruise with Chef James Tranchemontagne from Gastropub Frog and Turtle on Stephen Taber
- June 23-27: Cocktail cruise with Lara Nixon from Bad Dog Bar Craft on Ladona
- July 7-11: Wine Cruise with wine tastings from different countries each evening on Stephen Taber
- Sept 15-21: Wine cruise with wine tastings from different countries each evening on Ladona & Stephen Taber
- Sept 27-Oct 1: Fall Cocktail Cruise with Lara Nixon from Bad Dog Bar Craft on Ladona
- Oct 3-7: Fall Cocktail Cruise with Lara Nixon from Bad Dog Bar Craft on Stephen Taber
Wildlife and Naturalist Cruises
No one can guarantee a whale or puffin’s whereabouts, but schooner captains have a knack for finding humpback and minke whales and other fascinating sea and birdlife. Add in a naturalist to some of these cruises and you’ve got a living learning opportunity!
May 29-June 1: Wildlife cruise on Angelique
- June 23-29: Photography & Natural History cruise on Mary Day
- July 21-27: Whales & seabirds cruise on Angelique
- Aug 22-26: Historian and naturalist on board on Angelique
- Sept 15-21: Historian and naturalist on board on Angelique
- Sept 22-28: Historian and naturalist on board on Angelique
Acadia and Beyond
Take in the sights of Penobscot Bay’s island on the way to and from these cruises. Explore Acadia National Park and venture even farther beyond – to Canada or the shores of Gloucester, MA. These cruises offer the chance for longer cruises and plenty of time to develop friendships, see lighthouses and sea life, and even participate in a race along the way!
- June 2- 8: Enjoy a bus tour of Acadia and explore the park’s shores on Angelique
- July 21-31: Canada – Sail beyond Acadia to the coast of New Brunswick, Canada with visits to Saint Andrews and Campobello on American Eagle
- July 28-Aug 1: Explore Acadia National Park on Angelique
- July 28-Aug 2: Acadia National Park by land (private bus tour) and sea on Heritage
- Aug 8-13: Explore ports unknown downeast and beyond on this 7 day cruise on Ladona
- Aug 12-18: Acadia National Park, plus full moon and Perseid Meteor Showers on Heritage
- Aug 19-24: Explore Acadia National Park on Ladona and Stephen Taber
- Aug 28 – Sept 6: Gloucester Schooner Race: Participate in the Race in the boat’s home port, whale watching and different ports each night on board American Eagle.
Learning and exploring cruises
Learn a new skill or explore islands by foot, by kayak or by paddleboard on these special cruises. While you’re always taking in new sights and sounds on each cruise, these offer a special focus on new experiences and skills.
- June 4-8: Sail and hike cruise on board Lewis R. French
- June 26-30: Sail and optional kayaking experience on Lewis R. French
- July 7-13: Tallship Sailing and Seamanship Course on Mary Day
- July 17-20: Introduction to windjamming on American Eagle
- August 21-25: Windjamming with optional kayaking experience on Lewis R. French
To learn more about the Maine Windjammer Association and each individual vessel, visit To search for cruises by date, use the handy cruise search tool found there, or connect to each of the boats’ individual websites, schedules and rates from there. To request brochures or have questions answered try or call : 1-800-807-9463.
Photos provided by Fred LeBlanc, Richard Ball, Schooner Stephen Taber, Aaron Haynes, and Maine Windjammer Association.
Category: Maine Windjammers
Tags: maine sailing, Maine schooners, Maine Windjammer Association, Maine windjammers, music cruises on windjammers